Prostitutes are now in very big competition with sex dolls, as sex dolls are now in high demand according to an Austrian brothel which make £72-an-hour from a sex doll called ‘Fanny’ , often completely booked for several days in a row.
The Kontakthof brothel claimed that ‘Fanny’, 5ft 1in tall, weighs 88lbs with long blonde hair and large breasts, demand is so high, setting off plans to buy a second sex doll to satisfy the growing market for “a trendy sex fetish, even though one operator who doesn’t understand the hype says “it’s like sleeping with a corpse”.
Now, Austrian media are reporting that a growing number of brothels are including sex dolls for their clients. Peter Laskaris, who operates two brothels in Vienna, said that although life-like dolls from Japan ‘cost up to 7,000 euros (£6,382)’ and “obviously a trendy sex fetish”, brothels must cater to the sexual fantasies of their customer base.
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