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  • Photos: Man Carried In A Wheelbarrow To His Maternal Home For Committing Sacrilege

  • A man named Charles Ikegwuruka a native of umuezeanyike kindred of Ezima village in Isiala Mbano LGA of Imo State was driven to his maternal home, Isu village in the same LGA and State on a wheelbarrow for summoning his only younger brother Osiwu Ikegwruka to 'agwara okija' (a powerful shrine in okija, Anambara State).

    According to Charles, he said his brother osiwu accused him for making his wife unable to bear children.

    It all began when Charles went to a native doctor to seek for help and fortify himself, during the process the native doctor had a vision that there is a woman in his household that has a marine husband and child that she won’t be able to bear children physically again, that she must be brought for cleansing. Charles as the first son and the head of the Ikegwuruka family in his mid 50s is not married, the only woman in his household is his brother’s newly married wife (one and two days of marriage) who just had a miscarriage. Charles went to his brother and told him what the native doctor said, his brother agreed to convince his wife to go for the cleansing. On the day of the cleansing, the native doctor took them to a river, killed a goat and strangled a rooster and a hen after making some incantations while osiwu’s wife was kneeling, and later ordered her to strip Unclad and take her bath in the river while they (Charles, osiwu ) watched her, which she did.

    After the cleansing, the family problem between him and his brother increased, he started isolating osiwu’s wife calling her ‘mamiwater’ (marine spirit). What erupted the matter so much was that whenever the two brothers are quarrelling and exchanging words, Charles will tell his brother’s wife “let me see how you will bear children?” and he will tell his brother that him and his wife are like hen that has been tied to a tree, that its until the hen is untied that when it will get its freedom. These words really upset Osiwu and his wife, that the cleansing he (Charles) took them to was to go and prevent them from having children.

    On the 27th of December 2012, very early in the morning, Osiwu received a letter from Okija Shrine summoning him and his wife to come and swear and take oath in the shrine on the 29th of December. Note that if two persons go to a shrine to take oath, one person must die. Charles said he wants peace to reign, that is to say that he wants his brother and his wife to die after the oath. Osiwu brought the letter to his kindred meeting and Charles was ordered to back to okija and withdraw the matter. Charles went and returned and told his kindred that the shrine refused instead they said we (the kindred) should resolve the matter, then after that we should report our resolution to the shrine but that will not stop Charles, Osiwu and his wife to swear and take the oath.

    Everybody in the kindred meeting went mad……our son has committed sacrilege. We can’t finish resolving a matter and still it’s taken to a shrine again, coupled with all other atrocities Charles has been committing. The kindred now resolved that must ride a wheelbarrow back to his maternal home and he will stay there until he withdraws his family matter from Okija Shrine.

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