When news broke
this morning that rising act
“Skiibii is dead”, I wasn’t shocked, I wasn’t tensed because it is too common
of Nigerian celebrities to come up with unnecessary publicity stunts to promote
and sell their materials, so, I didn’t believe the story and was patiently waiting
for their failed mission.
Skiibii who isn’t as
popular as the likes of Korede Bello, Lil Kesh, Adekunle Gold, Ink Edwards,
Kiss Daniel might be so desperate for overnight fame.
However, it shows the
desperation and level of ignorance in the label and how far they are willing to
go to get Buzz and push a song not minding the consequences.
It is absolutely
uncalled for to frame the death of SkiiBii just to destabilise his fans and
prospective fans. I wonder if they thought of how fans would react to this
before they embarked on their failed mission. If a dog dies, the owner mourns,
if the death of the dog gets media coverage, thousands of people will
definitely mourn and pity the owner who knows the worth of the dog.
It is a weakness on the
part of Five Star Music and the label’s team to have publicised the death of
the young lad, SkiiBii when they were not sure if he was dead or not. I however
hold a strong motif that Five Star Music cooked up the story for the public to
With the strength of
KCee, HarrySong, Millionaire E-Money and Soso, it is a flaw to have faked the
death of Skiibii and a high sense of no regard for the fans and lovers of the
above mentioned artistes. Kcee came to limelight without controversy; Harrysong
who I respect so much hits the A-List point with hard word, passion for music,
prayers and support with NO MONEY! Why not help Skiibii grow without blemish?
Skiibii undoubtedly is
an upcoming artiste who needs to be natured, bred and monitored with highly
intellectual branding. Although, In PR bad publicity can be good publicity if
well managed. Don’t you think Nigerians are tired of useless publicity stunts?
This stunt is a failure
on the part of Five Star Music’s PR team, it only shows they need to step up
and increase their knowledge.
Who will eat the cooked
story? Five Star Music management must eat and paused off music lovers allover
the country are chanting on one voice “Skiibii must die.”!!!!!!
-By ‘The Strategist’
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