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  • Tiannah Styling Boss Toyin Lawani Rants
  • Who has pissed off this Beautiful woman again?...I wonder why she bothers whoever it is with a response *side eyes at self*

    All I see is that lipstick she has on...WOW!!!

    When ure Busy,U wont see haters,i focus on my kids and  D people who love me only,if u are still hating people working hard at wht they do,u will never grow,U will continue living in Saddness, writting horrible unspeakable things abt others,judging their character without meeting them by urself,carrying their gist from mouth to mouth adding ur own jara..focus The Time u use in painting others Bad on u,Work on a passion,it will open doors for u,Try it u will see dt u are nt totally useless like u think, i dnt hv 2heads,i work ma ass of 2pay my bills and fend 4my kids,i hv D same 24hrs u i put all my productive ideas into an empire and  i wakeup daily to Run it,Alongside with giving my 2kids d best..i love good tngs in life,bt il rather workhard to get them...

    I hv paid my price for my freedom  and only God can judge me,Any human who havent walked in my shoes is nt fit 2point fingers,while u do so thrs a place 4u in hell...stop Blamming others for ur problems,whn u are ur own problem,if ur mind is small hw will u Grow?my friends laugh at me all day cause my Dreams are 2 Big they say...Well if u Dream Big,you will eat Big,i talk about 1mdollars when they talk about 1m naira,i talk about buying my private jet b4 im 40,while they talk about buying jeeps,i talk and plan abt D international market and how to cash out,while they talk abt only Nigeria...meaning u are who u surround yourself with..

    I surround myself with powerful Billionaires in buisness who are way ahead of me,so i learn frm them,i ask ?s and they help me with their experiences,women can be more successful, if not dt they envy each other too much,i might be able to teach u abt biz, bt u busy hating,my friends are way older dn me with over 40years bt D knowledge and wisdom i gain frm their friendship cnt be replaced..

    Yrs Bck i used 2go 2clubs and waste money on foolish jobless friends who misplaced their priorties in life,bt nw i cnt even stay 5mins in a club,whn i look ard im irritated,i jst wnt 2go home and  Rest frm my long day and prep 4d nextday.
    It took me time bt as i grew,my priorities in life grew2 and i figured NOT ALL MOMS ARE MOTHERS,this changed my approach to life Generally and it drew me closer to God and my kids,change is constant.

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