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  • Protaxi comes to town
    Safety, comfort and better pricing are not just a promise, it’s our watchword
    Online hailing cab service Protaxi launch with style in Lagos.
    Lagos, Nigeria – December, 2017

    Protaxi is a new taxi app service that has just launched in Lagos and has plans to hit other cities in no distant time. While taking on Uber and Taxify may seem like a tall order, Protaxi hopes to excel in two key areas –understanding the market and giving it what it needs, pricing and worker conditions; in addition, safety and comfort. In terms of the first, Protaxi launched with offering drivers “Every Mile Counts” this is because they understand where it pains.  Knowing that many drivers and driver partners on other existing platforms have pulled out their cabs because it became difficult to maintain the cabs with little income, 

    Protaxi came up with a plan to give cash back to the vehicles for maintenance. A driver draws from Protaxi Five Thousand Naira at every service point.

    Protaxi is indigenous and feels the riders pulse and so aims to be more affordable and positioned to give Lagos riders what they need and still remain in business as its overheads are believed to be lower compared to competitors.  This is something Protaxi intends to continue doing even as patronage grows in usage. 

    Speaking at the launch, the General Manager, Dr. Fabian Emefu, assured drivers that “Protaxi will not renege on any promise it makes.  Also to the riders he said “we are here to get you the best value for your money with safety and comfort.”  For every new driver sign up, Protaxi gets zero commission for the driver’s first two jobs resulting in more for the driver.  Protaxi will remain transparent to both drivers and riders in their billing process. Protaxi allows customers to choose how they pay with cash, card or voucher from accumulated bonuses. 

    While Protaxi is a new entrant in taxi app platform in Lagos and Nigeria, it has firm plan to provide excellent service to their customers always.  In fact, the company already seems to be looking at its expansion beyond Lagos with the suggestion that it will become available in Abuja next.  Although no firm details on when this will happen were provided. For those based in Lagos and interested in giving the new service a try, the Android version of the Protaxi Passenger app is available to download free of charge from the Google Play Store. It is also available on the Apple App Store as Protaxi Passenger app. 
    To learn more about promos, partnerships or how to be a driver partner, contact,, or visit the website at
    About Protaxi Nigeria
    Protaxi Nigeria is an online taxi booking service which launched in November, n Lagos. To find out more

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