I'm going to discuss about HOW TO BUY CRYPTO WITH KuCoin P2P today.
KuCoin is without a doubt one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchange platforms for buying, selling, and trading digital assets. KuCoin may appeal to cryptocurrency investors due to its broad feature set.
These are the first things you need to KNOW before using the KuCoin P2P
*Before you trade crypto currencies, you need to buy crypto currencies first.
*On KuCoin P2P platform you can buy crypto currencies using multiple fiat currencies with multiple payment methods.
*You are required to have completed your KYC and SMS authentication before trading P2P.
Go to the home page click buy crypto
Click on P2P and choose the crypto currency you want to buy, for this tutorial we’ll be buying USDT with USD then choose a merchant
Enter the USDT amount you want to buy also pay attention to remarks made by seller. If you agree with the remark click “BUY NOW”
Select the payment method and make the payment as instructed before the timer runs out. Please keep in mind that your USD transaction will take place between you and the seller outside of the KuCoin platform. KuCoin will lock the seller’s crypto from the moment you place an order until the order is fulfilled. Please double check the payment information and transfer within the seller’s special time frame. After you have made your payment, click “I HAVE PAID” to tell the vendor.
The seller will release the crypto after confirming that the payment is received and you will receive the purchased crypto in your KuCoin wallet.
*You are to transfer to the seller’s account using your own account and complete the payment within the specific time frame.
*Only click “I HAVE PAID” after you have made the transfer and don’t click cancel order until you’ve receive a refund from the seller.
*You can contact the seller using the chat window. While waiting for the seller to release your crypto.
*If you do not receive the crypto within the specified time. Then contact KuCoin customer support.. BY APPEALING.
*You can only cancel max up to 3 orders in one day.
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