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    The larger part of the people’s Republic of Nigeria was devoted to need for free education and how it could be organized and funded. However Awolowo’s concern for education is not only shown in his numerous books but also reflected in his political programme of providing education for otherwise illiterate and rural communities. Awolowo believed that man, made up of body, soul and spirit is in the image of God and he is capable of thought and influencing his fate. He also believed that he’s free to use his power of reason and choice as he believes right. Awolowo believed that man is capable of learning and creating knowledge. For these reasons, he describes man as “supremely educable” knowledge according to Awolowo is a process of self and social liberation from ignorance and disease and therefore from poverty. He however placed a lot of value on personal and social freedom of man. The best way to achieve this is through education.

    His view is that education should improve a man’s life and increase his ability to cope with life, it should also enable him to develop some skills which he would need to earn him to develop some skills which he would need to earn a living,he also sees it as the only means of achieving self determination, through nationalism and a progressive society as well as removing poverty, ignorance and diseases.

    Awolowo believe that the more educated and healthy man is, the more productive he becomes as an economic agent and the more useful and effective he is as a member of the society.

    Chief Obafemi Awolowo would be remembered for his universal free primary education scheme, which he launched in 1955 {U.P.E} the scheme made primary education free and accessible to all students in Nigeria.

    Written -By  Emeka Ogwu-


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