ENÍBÀ LÓMÒ; The in-depth of pains a song From OLITEE THA FLOW explains How Sorrow fills up a community when a man dies. Condolences will start pouring in even from those who wished he should have been taken taken away from the universe long time ago! The reality will set in when hungers creep in and everyone has to fill up their stomach with something, majority of us will eat and funningly some prefers pounded yam over small chops. Then, their mortar makes the loudest noise in the community. Such is life!
It is the law of nature to feel pains more than some people do and that’s why you can’t cry more than the bereaved. In everything you do in life, let the bereaved pour out their emotions because they are only ones who know what pains are really are!
Everyone has a story to tell.
ENÍBÀ LÓMÒ, may we live to tell the struggles during the pains we have all felt(Amen).
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