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  • Alleged fraud: Group condemns NPA boss Koko’s refusal to appear before NASS

  •  The Anti-Corruption Vanguard and Parliamentary Watchdogs have given the Managing Director of the Nigerian Ports Authority, NPA, Bello Koko, until Tuesday next week to appear before the National Assembly or face massive protest.

    The NPA boss was summoned over allegations of corrupt practices, fraudulent fund disbursement, money laundering, illegal concessions, and gross abuse of office.

    However, Mr Koko has ignored multiple invites and the groups described it as an “affront on our constitutional democracy and a desecration of the Nigerian parliament”.

    In a statement co-signed by Mahmoud Abubakar and Bashorun Solanke, the groups said Mr Koko must appear before the National Assembly without hesitation and provide answer to the many allegations against him.

    They, however, warned that failure to do so will lead to daily protests starting from Tuesday 6th February 2024.

    The statement partly reads: “As we all know, the National Assembly remains the true representation and voice of the people and have had cause to summon Mr. Bello Koko to a Public Hearing on two occasions to answer grave allegations of corrupt practices, fraudulent fund disbursement, money laundering, illegal concessions, and gross abuse of office. These allegations violate Nigerian laws, including the Constitution and the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act.

    “It is disheartening that Mr. Bello Koko refused to honor and appear before the National Assembly’s House Committee on Public Petitions, being summoned twice. This is an affront to our constitutional democracy and a desecration of the Nigerian parliament. Such actions if left unchecked can undermine the credibility and essence of our democratic institutions.

    “As concerned citizens of this great nation, we are perturbed by Mr. Bello Koko’s audacity to resist a legitimate summon by the National Assembly on two occasions.

    “We therefore want to ask, who is backing and protecting Bello Koko in this defiance against the National Assembly? the parliament remains the very embodiment of the diverse voices of our people.

    “The weighty allegations against Bello Koko include illegal concessions, diversion of government revenue in which vessels that come to NPA are either undeclared or improperly billed, unreported ships leaving ports without billing, and underreported cargoes, demand immediate attention. His reluctance to address these concerns only deepens the suspicions surrounding his stewardship.

    “At this juncture, we call on Mr. Bello Koko to appear before the National Assembly without hesitation and provide answers to many allegations hanging on his neck to the Nigerian people.

    “In light of this development we hereby put the National Assembly on notice that beginning next week Tuesday 6th February 2024, there will be daily protests to draw attention to these issues so that the men and women of good conscience still in parliament can issue an arrest warrant against Bello Koko and compel his appearance to answer for his economic crimes against the nation.

    “We also want to call on the anti-graft agencies and the President to investigate and consider suspending Mr. Bello Koko, echoing the recent actions taken against corrupt practices in the government, especially that of Dr Betta Edu, the erstwhile Minister of Humanitarian Affairs. What is good for Betta Edu is also good for Bello Koko. “

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